terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010

Pelo fim da beatice em geral

Tá lá também na BMJ: escritor pede a legalizaçao da eutanásia. Esse falso amor aa vida das religioes, enquanto por trás roubam, traficam, estupram e matam, tem que ter um fim já!


Author calls for UK to set up tribunal for assisted suicide
Terry Pratchett - one of the United Kingdom's bestselling authors, who has early onset Alzheimer's disease - has called for an assisted suicide tribunal to which terminally ill people could apply for permission to end their lives at a time of their own choosing. The call came as the BBC released the findings of a poll showing that nearly three in four people believe that a friend or relative should be able to assist a terminally ill loved one to commit suicide without fear of prosecution.

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