quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Esses americanos são uns neuróticos (mesmo!)!

Matthew Cavanaugh/Getty Images/NYT
Que coisa absurda, o Obama cedeu às pressões e publicou no site da Casa Branca a íntegra da certidão de nascimento dele, provando que é americano! Tudo porque o indescritível Donald Trump, que se lançou candidato a presidenciável, juntou-se ao coro fundamentalista que insiste em que Obama não nasceu no Havaí. Vou te contar, que povo louco!

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Wed, April 27, 2011 -- 9:24 AM ET

White House Releases Long Form of President Obama's Hawaii Birth Certificate

President Obama posted a copy of his "long form" birth
certificate, hoping to finally end a long-simmering
conspiracy theory among some conservatives that he was not
born in the United States and was not a legitimate president.

The birth certificate, which is posted online at the White
House website, shows conclusively that Mr. Obama was born in
Honolulu, Hawaii, and is signed by state officials and his

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2 comentários:

Sérgio disse...

Como diz Ezra Klein no Washington Post:

"America is mired in three wars. The past decade was the hottest on record. Unemployment remains stuck near 9 percent, and there’s a small, albeit real, possibility that the U.S. government will default on its debt. So what’s dominating the news? A reality-television star who can’t persuade anyone that his hair is real is alleging that the president of the United States was born in Kenya."

Vera Silva disse...

"Por Tutatis..." Que falta fazem os galeses para jogá-los para o ar com a sua empáfia belicista.

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